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Let us handle your PC for you.
Just click your mouse for expert care. That's it.
PC Optimization
We’ll assess your computer’s performance and optimize key areas to enhance speed and stability.
PC Diagnostic Services
We will troubleshoot Windows operating system errors and identify any potential hardware conflicts with Windows.
Identity Protection Settings
We’ll enable your computer’s security settings to prevent sensitive data loss and identity theft.
Installing Software
We’ll install your software products and configure desktop icons, start menu options, and shortcuts as needed.
Energy-Efficient PC
We’ll adjust your power management settings to maximize energy efficiency and reduce your electricity costs.
Printer Installation
We’ll install or update your printer software and drivers to set up configuration on either a wireless or wired network.
Computer Setup
We’ll personalize your PC to your preferences, adjusting text size, display resolution, backgrounds, screensavers, and more.
Email Setup
We’ll configure your email accounts, set default preferences, and provide guidance on tasks like attaching pictures and creating personal signatures.
Virus and Spyware Removal
Our security expert can remotely access your PC to remove all viruses, spyware, and other threats or unwanted programs while you watch every step in real time.